Τετάρτη 26 Απριλίου 2017

Disappointed With Resident Evil Revelations 2

The whole game seemed to me as something that had to be done really quick just because there were some contracts that needed to be followed.

Not that Resident Evil Revelations 1 was much better but this one is like playing a total different game that has nothing to do with the series. If it was made by not so popular developers, I m sure that it would be a disaster.

But lets examine one by one the biggest flaws of that controversial title.

1. Different Save Slots... NOT!!

I don't know if thats only on the PS4 version of the game, but if you start through lets say user one, you cant start it at the same time by a second user and keep both separate save files. Thats ridiculous! Even gameboy games had different slots to save different files. I am really really really frustrated by seeing such a colossal company doing amateur things like this. For Sephiroth's sake we are in 2017!

2. No Headshot Explosions.

Come on now you guys! What is a Resident Evil title without magnum headshot explosions?! You should know better. And apart from that , there is no damage in specific parts on enemy bodies.

3. Graphics

The graphics could surely be a lot more enhanced, yeah yeah I know its a series that started being designed on 3DS but I cant be playing a game on ps4 with worst graphics even when compared to ps3 games

4. Useless Co-Op

Co-Op mode is, surelly, most of the times so fun, especially if the game is well designed but in this case is kinda a disaster. The second character doesnt fight at all! AT ALL!!! Really now Capcom?! Its a fucking Resident Evil game! Why do I have to just be a mule and carry stuff for the primary character?!  And ok, with the Claire couple, Moira uses a crowbar for melee attacks, this is not much for sure but at least it's something. But when it comes to the Barry couple only Barry shoots and fights, Natalia just picks up bricks that break with the 3rd hit! And there are not strategically placed throughout the levels. How fucked up is that?! She climbs up a ladder and the brick falls, she cimbs down a ladder and the brick falls, she opens a door and the brick... guess what?! 

5. Totally Useless Skill Tree

OH MY FOOOOCKINN GAD! Whats with the skill tree in that tragedy of  game! Ok, here is how things are. We have 2 couples of players. In each couple the one is the primary and the other is the auxiliary one. The primary one can obtain 3 rows of inventory slots can fire weapons and can attack melee attacks. The auxiliary characters, on the other hand, have only 2 rows of invenotry slots can fire arms, the one of them can't even attack with throwables and her melee attacks are practically useless and her climbing speed is ridiculously slow. With all that given, the skill tree has only six augmentation slots for the auxiliary characters (and even with those obtained there is much of a change) and all the others 18 slots are for the already overpowered primary characters. 

So, NO RER2, JUST NO! You failed miserably in being a Resident Evil and disgraced your predecessors thats too bad, again, for a colossal name like that! 

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