Τρίτη 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

How To Clean Console Cartridges

Welcome back dear friends. I dont want to waste ur time with meaningless greetings so let me get straight to the point! 

We all had in the past at least one video game console that was reading cartridges (or I hope so!!). No matter how hard we try to prevent dust from reaching to unwanted places it seems that we dont try hard enough. Dust (mostly) will eventually find its way to corrupt our precious cartridges to the point that become unreadable. But im gonna show u a quite easy and really cheap way to clean ur cartridges and make them like new again to re-live past glories! 

So here are the steps of what u have to do and a list of the things u will need!

1. What You Will Need

a) A cartridge with reading problem and its console (any system's cartridge will do.
b) Some fresh clean bottled water.
c) 2 napkins/tissues.

2. Clean With The Wet Napkin 

Fold the napkin in a way that it will be thick enough not to be totally soaked and dampen its point a bit into the water. Squeeze the dampen point slightly with ur fingers and let it drip the unnecessary quantity of water. Take the cartridge and gently clean the metal pins with the wet point of the napkin. Repeat that movement several times and thats it.

3. Wipe The Pins With The Dry Napkin

Now take the other napkin and fold it the same way. just make sure that it will fit in the cart and that it will have enough "surface" available to touch the pins. Wipe the pins several times and let the cart dry for a few moments.

4. Test And Enjoy!

Now that u ve done all the above and u gave it some moments to dry insert it to ur console and test it. It will most likely work like new again. At least two of my carts are fine now that i ve done exactly what i describe. THNX for reading and if u have any questions dont hesitate to ask! Cheers!

NOTE: that u can do almost the same thing with ur consoles (adapting the procedure according to the console u have ) but u have to be extra careful there. 

WARNING: Dont EVER try to blow in ur cart to clean it and make it play that way. It may seem to be the easiest way but just dont. When we do that even if we cant feel it particles of saliva go into tha cart and on the metal pins causing them to rust so avoid it in any case! 

2 σχόλια:

  1. Ok so this is for guys that collect the oldies but what bout non cartridges but disk consoles?Is there any way you can help with that?Cause its a pain man really.

  2. if u tell me what is exactly ur problem then id be glad if i could be of any help! :)
