Τετάρτη 24 Μαΐου 2017

Square Enix Thinks About A Final Fantasy VI Remake

Final Fantasy VI is an incredible role-playing game - one of the best in the series, as far as we're concerned - but a lot of the time, it gets pushed aside in favour of the 3D titles that succeeded it. Square Enix hasn't completely forgotten about Terra and her 2D adventure, however, as Final Fantasy VII Remake producer Yoshinori Kitase admits that the development team has at least considered a remake of the classic release.

In an interview with Famitsu - translated by Gematsu - Kitase is jokingly asked to remake Final Fantasy VI, to which he responds: "Right now, we're working on Final Fantasy VII… The staff within the company are also saying it [that they want a
remake of Final Fantasy VI], but it continues to be put off." Interesting.

Obviously, a remake of Final Fantasy VI would require a lot of work - especially if it was going to make the jump to 3D. Honestly, though, we'd probably take some sort of remaster if it ever cropped up - provided it didn't take Square Enix approximately five years to produce.

Would you like to see Final Fantasy VI make a return? Rattle off about espers and all that in the comments section below.

Source: pushsquare.com

Τρίτη 23 Μαΐου 2017

Σάββατο 13 Μαΐου 2017

"Would You Like To Quit The Game?" PSP 2004/3004 Message FIX

In order to lower the cost of the slimmer version of the console, sony change the manufacturing plans according to how PSP holds and reads the UMDs. But if you make something cheaper u expect to behave as a cheaper machine. Though 3004 model has a crispier screen and more RAM than the original, they really screwed up the disk tray. 

The original PSP has a small contraption, lets call it a "cage", that holds UMDs still, from every side. The newer model has just 4 small pieces of metal shaped like an "X" in the inner side of the tray that pushes the disc towards the lazer when closes in order to be read.

Those pins of the "X" are easily bended so after a while they tend to lose their grip and to stick to the plastic side of the tray not pusing the UMD in the opposite direction. 

So what i did was to push the metal pins a little back up with just my finger nail . i guess you can use whatever feels easy for you. 

I can't figure anything else out to be the cause of that "error" ... that or it is a software error or that the hinges of the door are loose (especially if the door tilts a bit when you touch it but i ll make a new post for that) i dont know, It worked for me i bet u can try it, its easy and can be done in a few secs. Give me your feedaback

Τρίτη 9 Μαΐου 2017

Σάββατο 6 Μαΐου 2017

How To Repair Broken PSP UMDs

Broken UMDs are really a pain in the bum but the good thing is that there is a way back. A custom way to restore its playability but not exactly its original form.

So, all you will need is a broken UMD some Scotch tape and a cutter.


1. Cut a piece of the scotch tape and stick it on the UMD as show below

2. Press it well to stick really good on the plastic (you don want to any small pieces to fall into your console)

3. With the cutters cut the excessive part of tha tape so it is covered only on the narrow side

4. Now the cut tape will keep the plastics closed and  prevent the disk from moving back and forth in the console

NOTE: This is a method i found out that it is working and i have repaired many UMDs with it but I dont take any responsibility about any damage you may cause to your UMDs or your console

NOTE#2: I change quite frequently the tape as it tends to leave a glue residue and eventually it falls off after some time so keep that in mind!

NOTE#3: I ve been working on some more permanent method to stick back the UMD casing so keep tuned!

Resident Evil: Code Veronica X for PS4 Coming Next Week!

After the classification that has been done for Resident Evil: Code Veronica X for PS4, Gematsu revealed us that the title will come out next week and more precisely in 9nth of May without Capcom posting anything relevant.

Resident Evil: Code Veronica X is it going to be a simple port from PS3 and not a total remake like Resident Evil 2 that we are waiting for!

How To Prevent PSP UMDs From Breaking

I am sure we might have experienced such a frustration when you so eager to play a legendary psp title and u take it out of the box and OH MY FOOOOKINNN GAD you only take out the half of it! 

It is a sad fact that UMD cases hold the games too tight but there is a simple hack we can do to prevent it from happening. We will only need a 1) PSP UMD case and 2) a cutter.


1) open the case and CAREFULLY take out the UMD

2)Take the cutter and little by little saw carefully the edge of each tooth saw it is a bit smaller and more blunt

and thats it . Now ur UMDs will come off the case much more easy without risking it to break from too much pressure!

Why PSP UMDs Break

Being one of the best portables, Sony's PSP have some flaws as well. Not the actual console but the casing of its UMDs. You the UMDs themselves are really delicate construstions. They consist of 2 parts 1) a mini disc 2) and a plastic shell of two pieces that closes around the disc. That plastic shell theoritically protects the disc, among others, not to be harmed by dust, pointy ojects etc but what happens when you take it out of the case?!

The case has an identation that the UMD fits in and two plastic claw-like "teeth" that holds the game down from falling apart. And there is the catch, most cases tend to be grasp the game disc too tight or tighter that they should, so when you pull it out of the case the the plastic part that is below the disc gets seperated from the upper one resulting in opening in two. If the plastic shell opens then the game falls too far away from the PSP's laser beam and its almost impossible to be read.